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Old 03-10-2017, 09:29 PM   #14
Endangered Dragon
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Join Date: Aug 2006
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Dear competition participants,

With only 1 week to go before the competition starts, here are some pointers to help you to prepare your fish for the competition:
  1. Condition your fish by playing with it with your fingers (so that it will get used to human presence at comp venue); on your tank light for prolong period (for it to get used to the lighting of comp tank) and move it in and out of your tank (to let your fish get used to being moved to comp venue and shifting into new tank on bench-in day).

  2. Trim the “hair” at the end of the fins so that the ends of the fins are in line with the end of the tail. Do it early and do not cut too drastically because the cuts should not be obvious to the judges.

  3. Hang mirror or paste cut-out picture of a flowerhorn on your tank for short periods daily to encourage your fish to flare (remember to bring these 2 items to the competition venue during bench-in to help your fish recover from its journey there and let it settle in the tank faster).

  4. Increase the frequency in feeding of fish (with moderate amount in each feed) to pump it up. Stop feeding completely 2 – 3 days before bench-in so that your fish won’t fill the comp tank with its excretion (imagine what impression your fish will give to the judges if its tank is full of shit). After the judging session, you will be allowed to feed your fish moderately but you should seek permission from the officials on duty first.

  5. Monitor your fish’s health and increase frequency of water and filter wool changes. If you notice any minor sickness, apply appropriate medication immediately.
Remember this: Just like athletes in sports events, your fish needs to be trained in order for it to perform to its best during the competition.

Good luck and may the best fish wins.

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