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Old 07-02-2013, 11:25 AM   #11
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 437

Quote from a source on the possible offsprings between a Snow White and Pigeon Blood, pasting here for future reference (source):

Originally Posted by Rod View Post
Both snow white and pigeon are controlled by a dominant gene. Snow white is also homozygous (meaning it has 2 identical mutant dna sequences). Pigeon can be either homozygous or heterozygous (only 1 mutant dna sequence)

When we breed these together, the resulting fry will all be snow white based as this gene dominates over pigeon, every single one of them. But they will be heterozygous offspring.

I'll try and explain a little better. The discus egg gets 1 dna sequence from each parent at conception, to make a pair of dna sequences on each position of the chromosomes of the new baby. This determines what the fish will look like. Homozygous = identical pairing of dna sequence. When we cross this does not happen, we are getting 2 different dna sequences so this is called heterozygous.

Lets assume your pigeon is also homozygous. This means the fry will be both pigeon and snow white based. Both dominant genes struggling for exposure. We already discussed above that all the fry will be snow white based, and indeed this is true. But none will look like a snow white, there will be markings and pattern inherited from the pigeon gene. And the white won't be the crisp white of the snow white, but more a greyish tint. Essentially it is trying to look like both, with neither quite succeeding.

When we inbreed these discus, we will receive a dna sequence from each parent to the f2. The sequence will be either pigeon or snow white from each parent, quite randomly. Each sperm will be either a pigeon sperm or a snow white sperm, NOT a mixed sperm as many believe. The same goes for the egg, it is either a snow white egg, or a pigeon egg as the mother is both a pigeon and a snow white (remember she is heterozyous). She makes both types of eggs because she has both genes. We use a punnet square as a math tool for statistics, to calculate the results when sperm meets egg. In this case it will be 25% snow whites(homozygous), 25% pigeons (homozygous) and 50% will be just like the f1's (crossed looking heterozygous)

In the case where your pigeon is heterozygous (unlike snow white, the heterozygous and homozygous pigeon look identical), this means it has both the pigeon dna sequence, and the wild type dna sequence (wild because that is what the pigeon mutated from) so when we cross with snow white you will receive all white/grey based babies as above, 50% will also be pigeon and 50 % will be wild based as well. They will all in likelihood look similar to each other. But when we breed the f2 many results are possible depending on the pair combination. In all cases snow white fry should be 25%, but there will be more crossed heterozygous individuals, some pigeon fry (both hetero and homo are possible depending on parent combination), and some brown/turk type fry as well, again depending on parent combination.

Whew, i need a coffee after that. Hope that makes sense and helps you out. Could be a very exciting cross.
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