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Old 29-02-2008, 01:05 AM   #42
Posts: n/a

its been 3 days and my worms are still very fresh and not that smelly i guess. hope that my experiment can help some brothers out here.
The way i maintain my tubis:
whenever water changing/siphoning the debris pass the water thru a small net or anything that can trap the poopoo and particles inside the net. keep some of the water for wc of the tubis. use this water and wc for the tubis twice a day. when wc for the tubi, i always pour the water abit higher so that it cause a stir in the tubi. The alive tubi will tend to curl up and they will sink to the bottom faster than the dead and decomposing tubis. when all this is happening, do start to pour away the water slowly so that other "things" except the curling tubis will be flushed away. repeat this step until the water looks clear and it doesnt stink alot. (usually about 2 times will do). have been using this method for more than a week and my tubi lasted me for more than 3 days until i use till none are left. this method helps you to reuse water and for those that are not very accessible to obtain ketapan leaves myabe this will help you out.

definitely the ketapan method is better.. but this is another simple way for me as its not very convenient for me to obtain ketapan leaves

my 2 cent experiment and sharing. hope you guys find it useful
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