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Old 29-07-2010, 04:11 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by jwhtan View Post
Let me just share my concerns.

Rays are not cheap. It costs quite a fair bit.

The traders will be out in force. We must be prepared for more dispute threads. I know we can all mention caveat emptor but as u all also know, AF prides itself on being a community and I'll like it to still be this way instead of every man for himself.

The sp. issue will never be settled. It'll be a case of somewhere along the line has some PDR genes and that's a PDRsp. This will go on forever. There'll be claims and counter claims. I dunno whether we'll be richer or poorer for it.

Should we proceed with this, I'll like to ask the ray community to take a more active role in educating and also weeding out unethical sellers. U can say all u want abt why having this is good, but if u sit on the fence when an issue is at hand, then this will not work.

I just want to remind the community that this is for you, the section is for u. And should u want this, then u must help us to look after this.
John...very valid points and concerns. For AF to take on the role of policing the trade is IMHO, next to impossible. This is a product and a live one at do you guarantee parentage, quality and if it lives or dies at the hands of the can this be an AF responsibility?

It is really at the higher end of the hobby that is creating concern...the black rays and its variants...and this community is the more mature one normally. It is almost like fish and not cert...willing buyer and seller. If u spot a great deal and the fish don't turn out right...who can you blame for your own greediness. I bargain as hard as the next man but you have to respect the trade...somebody has to make a profit.

I agree with you that this is a community and it is thanks to AF that we have one in the 1st place....and I really hope that self governance will kick in and keep it a healthy one
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